Šteniatka sú naozaj veľmi roztomilé stvorenia. Je radosťou môcť ich sledovať každý deň, verte že je to stokrát lepšie ako hociaké televízne programy. Naše malé šteniatka sú zvedavé, veselé a veľmi hravé! Občas sa hrajú všetci štyria spolu, vtedy je to riadna naháňačka po celom byte. No najradšej sa hrajú v dvojiciach a to Belinka so Sebastiánkom no a Bianka zase s Miuškou.
The puppies are really cute creatures. I´m so pleased to be able to watch them every day. That it is better than any television programs. Our four little puppies are curious, joyfull and very playful! Sometimes they are playing all together, then it's a proper chase throughout our home. But they most like to play in pairs. Little white girl with one champange ear Bella with her brother Sebastián and our girls with coloured heads Bianca with Mia.
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