Welcome to new blog about our kennel - Zenobia´s little sun. What you can find at this place? News from our life with lovely dogs. You can find here some photos, news about our performances - especially of dogdancing, show results and lot of other information about us.
Vitajte na novom blogu o našej chovateľskej stanici - Zenobia´s little sun. Čo nájdete na tomto mieste? Novinky z nášho života s našimi krásnymi psíkmi. Nájdete tu zopár fotiek, novinky o našich vystúpeniach - najmä tanca so psom, výsledky výstav a mnoho ďalších informácií o nás.
We are small family kennel of rare breed - Coton de Tuléar. We breed in small but with big love since 2009. When we bought our first female lovely and beautifull Elinka from Czech republic. Contact: zenobiaslittlesun@centrum.sk
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